Revelation 2:4 & 5
Jesus says, “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first…”
Who might this passage apply to in 2015?
Churches of the world?
Fellowships of believers in the Lord Jesus?
Think back to the time we first knelt and named Jesus as Lord. Learning the Word of God was like sitting down to a banquet. Real fellowship with other believers was like a cool drink of water on a hot summer day. We strained forward to know Jesus more, rearranging our lives willingly to make a place for the Savior. It was a joyful time.
The first blush of faith is similar to falling in love. It is an exquisite time of excitement, hope, freshness and deep security as the Lord reveals Himself to us. We nestle into His presence and drink deeply of His love.
So what happened to this church, the people to whom the first letter was written?
The same experience happened to the church at Ephesus that has happened to many of us at varying times in life.
The church was a group of believers working hard, persevering, testing the true from the false, enduring hardships for Jesus’ name. They hadn’t grown weary – in other words they weren’t giving up. Shouldn’t that have been enough?
But no … His ways are so much higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8, 9).
They had forgotten their FIRST LOVE. They had fallen from a great height.
And so have we most days.
But there is a solution -Repent (turn around/ away from this way of doing things) and DO THE THINGS YOU DID AT FIRST.
What did we do when we first fell in love with Jesus?
So today I am turning around … going in the direction of loving my Lord … before I DO anything else.