MICAH 4:2 – “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.”

PSALM 22: 27 and 28 – “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before Him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations.”

ISAIAH 11: 9 – “They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

            From boyhood he had climbed the mountain putting his hands on the rock and securing his footing into the side of the mountain. With his calves burning from exertion he pushed upward. Some days just as he experienced the exhilaration of the new height, he fell. Scraping his knees, losing his gear, and bleeding – he began again.

As time went on he noticed some people who scrambled past him, seemingly without effort, their clothes sparkling, their faces smiling. Others he was sure had only started climbing a short time ago – certainly not in their childhood – yet they too passed him. Sometimes he wished that his climb could have been easier but mostly he was just thrilled to be climbing toward the top of the mountain. He had an appointment to keep.

                  There were moments when he was near other climbers. He had great joy when he was able to give them a sandwich, help them with their gear or a few times he even pulled some climbers up and boosted them onward.

                  The climb took a lifetime. At last came the day where he set his worn hiking boots on the top of the mountain. He was surrounded by people smiling, laughing, eating, talking … everywhere … like the biggest party ever. People he hadn’t seen in years. His black and white dog was there too. Unbelievable.

Everything glistened with light. It shimmered on streets, trees, buildings – more than the eye could capture. As he tried to take in all the sights, the most remarkable thing of all happened.  He was so glad he hadn’t given up.

One like the “Son of man” stood reaching toward him. Taking the climber’s calloused hands in His own, Jesus looked into his eyes and said, “Well done – good and faithful servant. You are home.

            Regardless of how we each visualize our journey to our heaven-home or the imaginings we have about the end times … it’s important to remember the mountain of the Lord. It’s a holy place. A place of remembrance, a place of safety, a place of comfort, a place of peace …  

            So come on – we’ve been invited. We don’t have to stay at the bottom cowering like the Israelites. Like Moses – we have been given an invitation through our Lord Jesus Christ – we can climb to the top and meet with God.

Share your sandwiches, help with gear and boost somebody up the mountain today!