I was reading in Genesis this morning about how God had chosen and blessed Abram (before the name change). Abram had wealth, resources, a beautiful wife, victory over enemies and carried with him the promise of God to make him into a great nation.  Pretty sweet life.


Yet one day after a huge victory when God came to Abram and said:         

         “Do not be afraid, Abram.

         I am your shield,

         Your very great reward”

Abram had an unusual reply.


He questioned what God could give him, because his heart’s desire was for a child and that God had not given him. 

(Genesis 15)


I felt for Abram. 


I too have received many blessings from the Lord and enjoy His fellowship, however I also have a heart’s desire as yet unfulfilled. 


I read on and the Lord’s word came to Abram promising he would indeed have his own child and further Abram would have offspring as bountiful as the stars in the sky.


I was silent for a moment and then as tears began to fall I talked with God. I told him I didn’t feel I was living in victory but I know I have been blessed.


         “But God … this __________________ is my heart’s desire.

And though I have prayed for it for many long years, I have suffered and pleaded to no avail.”  And then I asked again.


Oh were you waiting for a big finish? Well that was it. 


Abram came away from the conversation with God and believed Him and it was credited to him as righteousness.


Me … well I didn’t hear that I would be receiving my heart’s desire. But from other Scriptures, I know God heard me. I know that God is perfect. I know that He is faithful. He loves me – proven by the gift of His Son for my salvation. 


Am I sad and sorrowful that my heart’s desire is not within sight? Sometimes. I keep asking and believing the Lord knows what is best. 


The worst thing we can do with our heart’s desire is give up on it. So hang in there … talk to the Lord honestly and believe in Him. 


If mine comes through one day while I’m still here … I’ll let you know. In the meantime, I would consider it a victory today for God if those who read this will pray and trust God with their heart’s desire.



