The young man stood with his toe touching the lapping water and his heel firmly planted in the sand. He lifted the other foot; his legs flexed and slowly began the passage from shore to deeper waters.
He was lured forward by the promise of the dive. He had been told there were beautiful fish and colorful coral that could only be seen with the journey to the deepest part of the ocean.
The boat sat solidly on the water and his friend, already on board, beckoned him forward. Turning dark brown eyes toward the shore, he could see the brightly colored towels, the laughing children, the sun-tanned bodies … perhaps he should return to the life on shore.
But no … there was something about the exquisite promises of his friend. He had to see for himself. A few hours later, the young man drew back to the sandy shore. But he was changed forever. The depths were not only beautiful – they had reached into his soul and brought him peace and purpose. Yes … he would surely dive again.
Luke 5:4–11 – “… Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Jesus gives these instructions to Simon after the fishermen have worked hard all night without catching anything. Tired but obedient they went back into the deep and caught so many fish they needed help to get the catch to shore. Then Simon Peter fell at Jesus knees.
After obeying … after heading out to the deep … Simon Peter was astonished, painfully aware of his sin, and divinely aware of his Friend.
Do we believe on the edge of the shore amidst the crowd … content to live in the shallow? Are we discouraged by dark nights of emptiness? Shall we in this New Year head out to the deep and dive with our Friend to beauty beyond our earthly imaginations and His unlimited provision.
I have decided to go deeper.